Mónica Jacobo

Un/Real Spaces

Mónica Jacobo’s multimedia works primarily examine construction concepts of how we perceive reality, or media-shaped reality. In this context, she assigns a crucial role to the concept of the simulacrum, “whose revolution, according to Deleuze, consists in the suspension of the traditional ontological differences between essence and appearance, original and image, true and false, natural and artificial.” (Mónica Jacobo) The artist is interested in the borders along this perceived reality and what they signify. In her installation works she avails herself of various languages and realities in order to create interfaces that enable the observer to interact beyond mere visual perception.

At Künstlerhaus Büchsenhausen, Mónica Jacobo investigated conceptual and real spaces in films and computer games: spaces that cannot be entered into physically, that are constructed in a way that does not correspond with traditional Euclidean geometry. To this end, she makes use of the so-called machinima technique, a form of directing that uses the 3-D engine of computer games to produce its very own narratives and fictions within a virtualized reality. To conclude her work at Büchsenhausen, Jacobo presented the installation Binary Space Partition.

Mónica Jacobo was a 2007 fellow of the UNESCO-Aschberg Bursaries for Artists Programme at Künstlerhaus Büchsenhausen 2007.

Mónica JACOBO is a media artist based in Cordoba, Argentina. Since 1998, her works have been exhibited in Argentina and abroad in The Buenos Aires Museum of Modern Arts, The National Museum of Fine Arts in Buenos Aires, the Stuttgarter Filmwinter festival and FILE festival, Brazil.