Kush Badhwar circle with dashed border

Rain Trees

Rain Trees (Enterlobium Samam) takes its name from the mention of the species in a small volume written on the history of Osmania University in Hyderabad, India. The volume is … more

Beneath the Placid LakePresentations and discussion (online)moreTransgressions of the RealExhibitionAn exhibition of the Büchsenhausen Fellowship Program for Art and…more
Yara Haskiel circle with dashed border

Assembly of Sleepless Matter

This project investigates collective memory, mourning and the border crisis in post-austerity Greece. Departing from the vanished Jewish cemetery in Thessaloniki and the recent Refugee cemetery in Lesbos, both contested … more

Transgressions of the RealExhibitionAn exhibition of the Büchsenhausen Fellowship Program for Art and…moreDissident Narratives of Contested TopographiesTalk and screeningmore
Ash Moniz circle with dashed border

To Be Inconvenienced

In To Be Inconvenienced, Ash Moniz looks at the phenomenon of Flags of Convenience: ships that sail under the flag of a nation (with notoriously lenient registration requirements and weak … more

Terraqueous Territories and Flags of ConvenienceStreaming on Zoom and FacebookmoreTransgressions of the RealExhibitionAn exhibition of the Büchsenhausen Fellowship Program for Art and…more