Benjamin Zanon
Benjamin ZANON heightens his own creativity through collaboration with artists and scientists from various fields, one example being his continuing cooperation with contemporary composer, Daniel Oliver Moser, but there are also projects with archaeologists (Mercatorquartier Duisburg), geologists, urban planners, architects and musicians.
Immersion in his own work always involves outside stimulus: the impression serves as a starting point, as the foundation of all creative production. Insofar, it is understandable that Benjamin Zanon very much enjoys travelling and frequently does so, as exchange with the unfamiliar (on both a personal and a spatial level) acts as a motor on the one hand, always spurring on his creative production, and like a catalyst clarifying his thoughts and ideas on the other. Essential components of Zanon’s work, therefore, are openness towards the new and the unknown, thereby always adopting the role of the observer with an attentive eye, and translating experiences, impressions and perceptions into creative output.
Benjamin ZANON was born in Lienz/East Tyrol in 1981. From 2001 to 2004 he studied architecture at the Technical University in Vienna, followed by philosophy at the University of Vienna until 2006. In 2008 he moved to Düsseldorf, where he began studies of fine art and sculpture at the city’s art academy. As from 2009 he studied in Professor Richard Deacon’s class, becoming the latter’s master pupil in 2014. In February 2015 he completed his studies with the academy diploma and moved to Innsbruck, where he has lived and worked since. He has been a member of the Tiroler Künstler:innenschaft since summer 2015, and in April 2017 he moved into a studio in Künstlerhaus Büchsenhausen.