NEVER EVER CLEVER – Reflections on Children’s Film

Talk by Stefan HAYN and Discussion with Irene BERKEL

Starting out from Stefan Hayn’s personal experiences while developing and producing a film on the basis of Otfried Preußler’s children’s book Bei uns in Schilda (Thienemanns Verlag 1958), this talk examines some presuppositions of visual narrative for children (but not only for children) and attempts to set them into a contemporary historical and sociopolitical context. Who is narrating for whom? Where do the images come from? What do they convey? Who are children and who are adults?
On the basis of film excerpts and subsequent discussion with relious and cultural science expert Irene Berkel (author of the book Missbrauch als Phantasma – Zur Krise der Genealogie, Wilhelm Fink Verlag 2006), the talk will also seek further-reaching discussion on the significance of images for relationships between the generations.

An event with the kind support from the Institute for Educational Sciences of the University of Innsbruck.

Stefan Hayn lives in Berlin. His films released since 1989 question artistic as well as cinematic categorisation, and reject simplistic genre attributions. His works (films, painting, essays) have been presented in a wide range of art and film contexts. He has taught at Berlin University of the Arts, specializing in the interrelations of film and painting.

Stefan Hayn is a painter and filmmaker. In his more recent works he attempts to enable an emotional experience of film-immanent processes or – in comparisons within the exhibition space – processes of painterly or filmic perception including their social-historical and biographical-individual connections. He also reflects on artistic approaches aiming towards openness in conceptual-essayistic works. He presents his films in cinemas, on TV, and at international festivals. Most recently, the Heidelberger Kunstverein and the Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig, Vienna showed a selection of his film works and paintings.

For a filmography of Stefan Hayn, see also: Stefan Hayn

Irene Berkel is a religious and cultural scientist. She researches into the history of the incest taboo during the 19th and 20th centuries and its erosion since the second half of the 20th century, as well as into the concept of genealogy, particularly in psychoanalysis. Since 2006 Berkel has been teaching in the Institute of Educational Science at the University of Innsbruck; since 2010 she has been a member of the Scientific Committee of the Psychoanalytical Science Forum, Berlin.


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A-6020 Innsbruck

+43 512 58 11 33