Sway Uncertainly II – Szenische Diskussion zum Paradox des Spekulativen

First broadcast: Mon 03.11.2014, 00.00 Uhr MEZ

Cathleen Schuster and Marcel Dickhage: “The financial economy is searching for diamonds in the future, hoping to redeem them today, or it may even colonise the future. For its part, film follows a course that questions in the loop actual belief in the future. So is the future basically unreachable for both, despite all their efforts?
If distance represents a link between two or more points, is it not possible to get between them, for a brief conversation, and so come a little closer? And is the indefinite distance thus a fundamental characteristic of speculation, or does speculation lend form to distance?”

Alexandra Heimes is a cultural and literary scientist. Since November 2013 she has been an academic associate at the Institute for General and Comparative Literary Studies at the Goethe University in Frankfurt/Main, where she is participating in the specialist DFG programme Ästhetische Eigenzeiten. Zeit und Darstellung in der polychronen Moderne. (Distinct Aesthetic Times. Time and Its Representation in Polychronic Modernity). Since 2009 she has been co-editor at August Verlag, Berlin, a publisher of theory at the interface of philosophy, politics and art.

Quelle: https://cba.fro.at/301143

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