Ecology of Images

Unfortunately the lecture by philosopher Anne SAUVAGNARGUES on the ecology of images, planned for Tue 15 January 2019, had to be cancelled at short notice due to illness. A new date will be announced as soon as possible.
At Angela Anderson’s invitation, Anne Sauvagnargue will explore the notion of an „ecology of images“ as a processual development of desiring-machines and assemblages.
Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, both singly and together, define any sign as an individuating encounter—what Gilbert Simondon calls a ‘signal’—that gains consistency as a vital perspective within a regime of signs or ecological semiotics. Such semiotics are always plural, characterized by interactions between material, biological and social codings, between functional qualities and associated milieus. Therefore, desiring-machines are collective and not individual, ecological and not imaginary milieus, ecological existential territories. These milieus become defined and diversified through expressive qualities as collective assemblages of habitation. Following Deleuze and Guattari, this spinozistic conception of signs is both dietetic and political, leading to what Sauvagnargues calls a „becomology“ of regimes of signs, connecting linguistic, discursive signifiers to asignifying material, including vital, technical, and social codings.
Anne Sauvagnargue’s lecture takes place in the context of the artistic investigation Three (or more) Ecologies: A Feminist Articulation of Eco-Intersectionality by Angela ANDERSON.
Angela ANDERSON is an artist and filmmaker working at the intersection of philosophy, ecology, economics, migration, media, and feminist & queer theory. Central to her work is an awareness of the intimate connection between media production, memory and apprehension, and the potential of audio-visual media to open up new lines of flight. She holds a BA in Economics and Latin American Studies from the University of Minnesota, an MA in Film and Media Studies from the New School (NYC) and is pursuing her PhD at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. Originally from the northwoods of Wisconsin, USA, she lives and works in Berlin. Since 2013 Anderson has been collaborating with Angela Melitopoulos on the audio-visual research projects Unearthing Disaster, The Refrain (2015) and Crossings (2017), which was shown at documenta 14. In 2016 she produced her short film The Sea Between You and Me (2016) for the show Voice Outside the Echo Chamber curated by Katayoun Arian at Framer Framed (Amsterdam). Other recent exhibitions include Minnesota Street Project (San Francisco – 2017), Holbaek Images (2016) and the Thessaloniki Biennale (2015). Anderson is also the exhibition designer for Forum Expanded at the Berlin International Film Festival and has worked with many other artists and filmmakers on the realization of performative, filmic, and installation projects.
Anne SAUVAGNARGUES is Professor of Philosophy in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense. A specialist in aesthetics and the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze, she co-directs the collection ‘Lignes d’art’ with Fabienne Brugère for Presses Universitaires de France. She is the author of numerous works, including Deleuze and Art (Bloomsbury 2013), Artmachines: Deleuze, Guattari, Simondon (Edinburgh University Press 2016), and Deleuze. L’empirisme transcendental (Presses universitaires de France 2008, forthcoming with Edinburgh University Press).
Künstler*innenhaus Büchsenhausen