Putting into Force
Talk led by Paul Gangloff, Sönke Hallmann, Inga Zimprich with Maaike Engelen and Emma de Vries
Die Faculty of Invisibility FOI befasste sich mit der Ausführung eines möglichen institutionellen Raumes. In großer Nähe zu den Vereinten Nationen als Beispiel für eine Institution, die Gesetz, Sprache und Gemeinschaft zusammenbindet, ging die FOI in ihren Produktionen der Frage nach, wie sich eine solche Institution selbst etabliert, ihre eigenen Mechanismen und Regelungen in Kraft setzt und wie sie mit Momenten der Zugehörigkeit sowie der Versammlung einer Zuhörerschaft umgeht. Um an diesen Fragen zu arbeiten und sie auszuführen, waren die Philosophin und Psychotherapeutin Maaike Engelen sowie die Kulturtheoretikerin Emma de Vries eingeladen, die ersten Plätze am runden Tisch der FOI im Künstlerhaus Büchsenhausen einzunehmen.
In Anlehnung an jene Berichte, die täglich in den Vereinten Nationen durch eine Sprecherin ausgegeben werden, fand am 30. November 2009 im Künstlerhaus Büchsenhausen ein Gespräch mit Maaike Engelen, Paul Gangloff, Sönke Hallmann, Emma de Vries und Inga Zimprich statt.
Inga ZIMPRICH (*1979) is an artist and curator living in Berlin. The space of speech in contemporary art institutions has played a key role in the predominantly collaborative works in which she takes part. Zimprich has been developing various curatorial and artistic productions in Ukraine since 2006 and collaborates closely with Sönke Hallmann (theory) and Paul Gangloff (design), among others.
Maaike ENGELEN is in training as a child and adolescent psychotherapist at the British Association of Psychotherapists and currently works in a psychiatric clinic in South London. She holds an MA in philosophy from the University of Nijmegen and a M.Sc. in Psychodynamics of Human Development (Birbeck). Previously, as a philosopher, she engaged in intense collaborations with artists such as Jeanne van Heeswijk. She focuses on psychoanalysis as a means of cultural critique and investigates the relation between art and psychoanalysis as social formats of communication.
Paul GANGLOFF Paul Gangloff studied graphic design at the ERBA in Valence/FR and the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam/NL. His work in the FOI revolved around place in the work of others who occupy his practice.
Sönke HALLMANN studied literature and philosophy and deals particularly with the literary works of Franz Kafka and Heiner Müller and the theoretical scripts of Jaques Derrida and Giorgio Agamben. In 2006 Hallmann initiated the Department of Reading (DOR) which intervenes and edits online texts using wiki- and Skype-technology. The DOR focuses on the communal format of of reading as a cultural practice. Hallmann’s writing on notions of similarity, play and drama, gesture and memory have been published in magazines and elsewhere (Text-Revue, F.R. David, Geist Magazin).
Emma de VRIES is a theorist studying cultural
analysis at the University of Amsterdam. She deals with the works of Jaques Derrida and Stanley Cavell, among others. In her writings, she traces the concepts of joint participation, intimacy, excess, romance, and meanings. Her essay Letters as Tricksters: Writing Oneself Back into the World, On the Invitation, Jacques Derrida, Stanley Cavell and Epistolary Romanticism (February 2009) appeared in a publication by the De Appel Art Center in Amsterdam.
Künstler:innenhaus Büchsenhausen