Biro Beograd & Queer Beograd: Kvar, not Queer!

Transnational Artistic and Cultural Production in Belgrade

Kvar, not queer! presented two transnational collectives, Biro Beograd and Queer Beograd, which are active both in Serbia and internationally. The members of the groups presented their recent productions, shedding light on the collectives’ artistic and cultural strategies for destabilizing of hegemonic power relations in present-day Europe. They focused on the criticism of homophobia and nationalism in the context of the transition to neo-liberal capitalism in Serbia and the EU integration (also in considering that context as a critically-addressed ideology), the criticism of the migration polices of what attempts to function as “Fortress Europe” and the criticism of anti-Romaism in Europe.

The term “kvar” means “malfunction” in English and refers to the “translation”, or transformation, of the word “queer” into the Serbo-Croatian language as proposed by the Queer Beograd collective. “Kvar” refers to the malfunctioning of a machine and relates to Queer Beograd’s definition of queer politics as the interconnectedness of different de-subjugation struggles: anti-capitalism, anti-racism, antifascism and the feminist/postfeminist/queer/LGBT struggle against patriarchy and hetero-normativity.
The event was supported by KulturKontakt Austria.

Ivana MARJANOVIĆ (born 1979 in Yugoslavia) is a freelance cultural producer in the field of contemporary arts and theory. She is co-founder of the Kontekst Gallery and member of the Kontekst Collective in Belgrade.

Maja SAVIĆ is a member of the Queer Beograd collective and part of LGBTQ movement in the Western Balkans. She lives as an independent activist in Sarajevo.

Jet MOON is a femme, faggot, filmmaker, writer, performer, political activist and pervert. She is a founding member of the Queer Beograd collective.

Vladan JEREMIĆ is an artist, curator and cultural and political worker based in Belgrade. Jeremić and Rena Rädle are co-founders of Biro Beograd, an association that offers a platform for critical practice and steps beyond conventional forms of contemporary art, cultural and social research, or activism.


Künstler*innenhaus Büchsenhausen
Weiherburggasse 13
A-6020 Innsbruck

+43 512 27 86 27